If you are looking for specialist care and comprehensive assistance in matters related to orthodontic diagnosis and treatment, you have come to the right place.

Wlazłowicz Dentistry focuses on providing the best care for patients of all ages. Our team of experienced and highly qualified orthodontists will provide you with an individual approach and the best treatment solutions to get the perfect smile you have always dreamed of.

Our offer includes a full range of services, from orthodontic diagnostics, through the correction of malocclusion, to various types of orthodontic appliances, such as fixed, removable or overlays. We will make sure to choose the right solution for your individual needs, preferences and budget.

Our specialists use the latest technologies, thanks to which the treatment is effective, painless and as comfortable as possible for the patient. All this to get the best effect and the fastest possible recovery.
We invite you to contact us and to arrange a consultation visit. Let us help you get the perfect smile that you will enjoy for many years!

Meet our specialist

lek. dent. Irena Sionek

“My passion is creating beautiful smiles and improving bite functionality.
In my practice, I use the latest technologies – such as aligners, mini implants and digital bite visualizations. Thanks to them, I can offer my patients effective and comfortable orthodontic treatment.

I work a lot on bite and facial photographs, which I take several times during treatment. Thanks to them, I can precisely plan and monitor progress, ensuring optimal results tailored to the patient’s needs and expectations. Not only the position of the teeth, but also the harmony and aesthetics of the entire face are extremely important to me.

Continuous development in my field is crucial for me, which is why I regularly participate in courses and training to stay up to date with the latest achievements in dentistry and orthodontics.
The most important thing for me is the patient’s well-being, which is why I always make decisions with his health, needs and expectations in mind. I use treatment methods based on current medical knowledge supported by research.

Our patients' opinions

lek. dent. Irena Sionek

Irena Sionek - ZnanyLekarz.pl